25 small apartment design ideas
The smaller it is, the more doors it will open to love, care and happiness. A small apartment does not mean you are poor. In fact, it will make you rich in most other priceless things in life. There is no definition to a small apartment. A small apartment is perfect for a single, a couple or a family of three. It can be around 600 square feet or even as small as 400 square feet. Small apartments in general feature a small living room, one bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen. The smaller it is, you will find it easier to manage.
Simple and Elegant
Simplicity is bliss. Make your small apartment a simple apartment by keeping only the necessary furniture and household items. Making it beautiful is easy. Since it is small, you can apply a theme of your choice to the entire space. For an example, you can either go for a vintage theme or modern living. Use colors and simple and stylish decorations. When selecting furniture, select accordingly. Spacious chairs and couches are unnecessary. They will only eat up your available space and limit your freedom. However, you do not have to worry about the space when thinking vertically. Use large wall decors such as paintings and wallpapers as you prefer. Such large ornaments can make you feel spacious while making your apartment look elegant.
In kitchen, use the vertical spaces as much as possible. Instead of a spacious pantry, go for open shelves. Open shelves are perfect for small kitchens. Keep all the dishes, cooking pans and other stuff nicely arranged on shelves. Add some of your creativity to make best use of the little space available.
Clean and Tidy
Among other good things about small apartments, their convenience of cleaning is special. Since you tend to use every square foot available, there will be no space for mess. Keeping all the items and ornaments in place will no more be a confusing task. Keep the bedroom, living room and kitchen organized and change the arrangement of items once in a while for a change. Add your own ideas to the setting to make it feel more homely. One complaint that comes from people living in apartments is that an apartment does not feel like home. It is majorly because you do not attempt to create it with your ideas but simply live in it. Make your small apartment your cozy little home.
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